I’m taking a break from my regular series on mood disorders in order to cover an important topic on many people’s minds, the swine flu and its vaccination. As many are aware, up until a recent Supreme Court ruling, NYS health workers were mandated to receive the HINI vaccination or risk losing their jobs. Recently, Dr. Mercola posted an article with videos from Barbara Fisher, the founder of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and 60 minutes excerpts providing updated information on the vaccination and viewpoints on this epidemic.

Since its outbreak in April 2009, I have written various articles on the swine flu that cites both governmental and alternative health viewpoints. I have also posted many updates on my monthly top reads articles. Furthermore, I have created a subheading on “swine flu information” located on the right hand side of my homepage.

Still, I’ve been asked by several patients and loved ones to give a brief synopsis on my viewpoint on the swine flu and the HINI vaccination. As a Naturopathic Doctor and Integrative Medicine consultant, my job is to give you the facts and empower you with educated choices. Let me start with a brief synopsis of some of the latest facts and I will end with a brief summary of my viewpoint.

The following is what you will see in Conventional Literature: Please continue reading to gain a broader perspective

According to Ann Schuchat, head of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Atlanta-based CDC, there have been approximately 5,000 people hospitalized with swine flu in 27 states, with 53% of the cases being younger than 25. She stated recently, that the disease has spread to 41 states and its mortality rate has surpassed the threshold of an epidemic.

There have been approximately292 deaths from the swine flu since September 1st with approximately 90% of the people younger than 65. This is contrary to the typical seasonal flu pattern which consists of a majority of deaths occurring in those over 80 years of age.

According to the CDC, “This epidemiological data supports laboratory serology studies that indicate that older people may have pre-existing immunity to the novel H1N1 flu virus. This age distribution is very different from what is normally seen for seasonal flu, where older people are more heavily impacted”.

It has been suggested that this immunity in older Americans born before 1950 is due to their initial exposurer to the swine flu epidemic in the past. (Is this a different strain never seen before?)

Is the Swine Flu Dangerous?

According to an investigative report on 60 minutes, 99% of the people who contract the swine flu suffer only mild flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, mild fever, and aches and pains. They fully recover in a few days after bed rest with no hospitalization required.

The World Health Organization reports:

“As of 11 October 2009, worldwide there have been more than 399232 laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 and over 4735 deaths reported to WHO.”

That is 4,735 deaths for the entire world.

Let’s put that in perspective of the leading causes of death in the UNITED STATES in 2000:

The leading causes of death in 2000 were tobacco (435,000 deaths; 18.1% of total US deaths), poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000 deaths; 16.6%), and alcohol consumption (85,000 deaths; 3.5%). Other actual causes of death were microbial agents (75,000), toxic agents (55,000), motor vehicle crashes (43,000), incidents involving firearms (29,000), sexual behaviors (20,000), and illicit use of drugs (17,000).”

Current news reports place much emphasis on the 1% of people who die from the swine flu. They do not usually report that severe cases usually have a pre-existing condition.

For example, the CDC reports the following on their homepage: “The analysis found that the prevalence of selected underlying conditions was significantly higher among hospitalized novel H1N1 flu patients compared to the prevalence in the general U.S. populations,… For example, asthma occurs in 8% of the U.S. population, but 32% of hospitalized novel H1N1 flu patients had asthma. With seasonal flu, underlying medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease and pregnancy place people at greater risk of serious flu-related complications.”

Dr. Mercola explains the reported 36,000 deaths a year from flu from the CDC in the following excerpt:

However, the truth is that less than 1,000 people actually died from type A or type B influenza. The other 35,000 died from pneumonia. This is actually clearly listed on the CDC’s own website, yet virtually everyone ignores this fact.

Dr. David Rosenthal, Director of Harvard University’s Health Services, brings further clarity to this confusion.

Most of these so-called influenza deaths are in fact bacterial pneumonias — not even viral pneumonias — and secondary infections. Furthermore, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Academy shows that many of these deaths are a result of pneumonias acquired by patients taking stomach acid suppressing drugs.

Although there have not been reported side effects for the swine flu vaccine as of yet, it’s important to note that the US government has waived responsibility for the manufactures. This means that even if a side effect occurred, the creators of the vaccine are not held accountable. Furthermore, more people from the last swine flu epidemic died from complications of the vaccine vs. the actual flu according to a 60 minute news review. This is not usually mentioned today.

In addition there have been studies, which I provided below, that link some of the adjucvants in the vaccine to severe health issues.

Swine Flu Vaccination:

Summary of ingredients in Flu vaccines:

In addition to mercury, flu vaccines also contain other toxic or hazardous ingredients like:

Aluminum — a neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease
Triton X-100 — a detergent
Phenol (carbolic acid)
Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
Betapropiolactone – a disinfectant
Nonoxynol – used to kill or stop growth of STDs
Octoxinol 9 – a vaginal spermicide, Sodium phosphate

Swine Flu Vaccine Facts: From handout at swineflu.mercola.com & NVIC.org

  1. Swine Flu vaccine and flu vaccine contain mercury, a known neurotoxin
  2. Some shots contain formaldehyde, a chemical linked to increased cancer risk
  3. Safety to children & pregnant women have not be evaluated
  4. The swine flu vaccine in 1976 increased the risk of an inflammatory, neurological, paralytic disease known as Guillain-Bare Syndrome (GBS)
  5. GBS has been reported after seasonal flu vaccinations
  6. H1N1 vaccines have not been evaluated for long term risks of cancer and genetic damage
  7. Safety to the fetus of pregnant women has not been evaluated
  8. One H1N1 vaccine manufacturer reported that safety had only been assessed in 31 children from 6-26 months in its product insert
  9. The nasal spray H1N1 is a live virus and is not recommended for pregnant women or children under 2 years of age.
  10. The H1N1 flu has not been associated with more deaths than the seasonal flu viruses that have circulated in the past decade.

News Reports of those suffering vaccine reactions (pretty graphic, not for those sensitive):


Link from my blog at Saratoga.com on the safety of mercury and it’s negative effects on the nervous system and links to autism. Also provides links to research studies:


Link to recent study on the delay of development with 1 shot of mercury containing vaccine:


Excerpt from Mercola’s article on vaccines:

Problems with Vaccine Foreign Proteins

I met Dr. Shiv Chopra earlier this month in Washington DC at the International Vaccine Conference and he presented the following additional perspective and concerns regarding the actual injection of the vaccine.

Anyone who understands the basics of biology will know that all vaccines by their very definition are antigens and every antigen by definition must be a foreign protein.

Interestingly you will never find anywhere in nature where foreign proteins are allowed to directly enter your blood stream whole and intact. They are always first digested in your intestinal system and broken down into its constituent amino acids, dipeptides and tripeptides.

Any interference or tempering with these laws of existence, such as injecting foreign proteins, has great potential to bring calamity to your health and cause auto-immune diseases like autism.. This is precisely what may be happening with our massive reliance on vaccine injections.

My summary:

Here’s a question I have that has not been asked about the swine flu stats:

Are these secondary infections hospital acquired or increased from those that received tamiflu?

In my opinion, it seems as though the swine flu is a highly contagious and a low-risk respiratory infection. Due to the fact that I don’t feel comfortable in the governmental saftey testing of the vaccine, I do not feel safe in recommending it. I encourage you to look at my website and the opposing viewpoints and to make an informed choice from a calm perspective.


Mercola, J. Swine Flu Alert. (online) http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/21/Special-Swine-Flu-Update.aspxOctober 21, 2009.

Wechsler, P & Randall, T. Swine Flu Deaths Take 90% of Toll Among Young People. Bloomerang (online). October 21, 2009 (updated). http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aHlgclLqnUEA

CDC. Novel HINI Flu Facts and Figures. (online). October 21, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/surveillanceqa.htm

World Health Organization. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009-update. October 21, 2009. (online).


Get the Facts. DrugWarFacts.com October 21,2009. (online) http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30#item1



Hyman, Marc, MD. The Ultra-Mind Solution. 2008.

Age of Autism. Blockbuster Primate Study Shows Significant Harm from One Birth Dose of a Mercury-Containing Vaccine. September 9, 2009. (online). http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/09/blockbuster-primate-study-shows-significant-harm-from-one-birth-dose-of-a-mercurycontaining-vaccine.html

Mercola, J. New Study Demonstrates Significant Harm form One Dose of Mercury. October 22, 2009. (online). http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/22/New-Study-Demonstrates-Significant-Harm-From-Just-ONE-Mercury-Containing-Vaccine.aspx

Institute for Vaccine Safety. Thimersol Content of Some Licensed US Vaccines. October 19, 2009. (online). http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/thi-table.htm

Summary of Mercury Vaccines (Dr. Mercola)

  • All DTwP products (Diphtheria, Tetanus & whole cell Pertussis)
  • DT (Diphtheria & Tetanus) multi-dose vials
  • All Tetanus Toxoid vaccines
  • Meningococcal multi-dose vials
  • All multi-dose vials of seasonal- and swine flu vaccine, typically recommended for adults and children over the age of three.

Call for Testimonials:

I recently have been asked to contribute audio articles, lectures, and blogs for a new website dedicated to women transitioning into peri-menopause and menopause. They are requesting patient testimonials for the site. This would entail a 2-5 minute interview of what the initial health concern was (hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, PMS, ect), what was done, the results, and how long it took to notice a difference. Obviously, this would be reserved only for women entering menopause (either surgically-induced with hysterectomy or hormonal decline).  For those who aren’t shy and wouldn’t mind going global, let me know if you are interested, and I will give the creator your contact information.