In a recent essay on our “Degeneration Nation,” Ronnie Cummins, international director of the Organic Consumers Association and a member of the Regeneration International steering committee, stated:
It’s time to make organic and healthy food the norm, not just the niche market that it still is….
It’s time to take back control of our food system, our health, our government and regulatory agencies. If the government won’t allow proper labeling and safety testing of foods, then we, the global grassroots, need to investigate, expose and boycott toxic products and chemicals. If industry and the government won’t fund “sound science,” then we will need to crowdsource and fund independent, sound science ourselves.
Although some of his ideas and statements in the full essay may seem radical, these two profound statements that center around consumer empowerment, are something all consciousness purchasers will agree on.
This power for achieving better health through access to:
- Safe, non-toxic products
- Cleaner environments without chemicals
- Nutritious, nurturing, wellness-promoting, whole foods…
… is in our hands.
Expressing our Freedom of Choice
The credit card and cash we exchange every day is our way of communicating for a healthier future. What appears as an obligatory necessity purchase, has transformed into a social, economic, and political statement.
The money we spend online, at the market, and in shopping malls is an investment toward the companies that represent our economic environment, and, our values. For those who struggle with access, our choices will ensure a sufficient supply of healthier options and a decrease in detrimental ones. Selections that appear less costly are something we can no longer afford, as they drive diseases and health care costs higher and higher.
The Cost of the Wrong Votes
You have probably noticed that in any “famous doctors” summit, integrative expert blog, and even conventional medicine (1, 2, 3, 4) , the concern for the impact of our environmental health on our personal wellness is a “hot topic.” This is very good reason.
Evidence exists that chemicalized franken-foods, CAFO meats, synthetic “Beauty by death” products, and toxic household cleaning products could be THE driving factor of the current epidemic in chronic diseases.
A new study in Environmental Medicine reports:
A positive association between total phthalates and cardiovascular disease, type-2-diabetes, hypertension and increased levels of chronic low-grade inflammatory biomarkers was observed in urban-dwelling Australian men.
Furthermore, an article from National Geographic, which his based on a recent release from the Endocrine Society on the health-related cost of a chemical world, states :
The biggest estimated costs, by far, were associated with chemicals’ reported effects on children’s developing brains. Numerous studies have linked widely used pesticides and flame retardants to neurological disorders and altered thyroid hormones, which are essential for proper prenatal brain development.
The researchers concluded that there is a greater than 99 percent chance that endocrine-disrupting chemicals are contributing to the diseases, according to the studies published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
What We Do Today Affects Others’ Tomorrow
As statement expresses above, our children are at greatest risk.
In fact, a Consensus Statement from a coalition of scientists, physicians, and other organisms, issued a “call to action” to protect our children. The statement, published in Environmental Health Perspective, begins:
The TENDR Consensus Statement is a call to action to reduce exposures to toxic chemicals that can contribute to the prevalence of neurodevelopmental disabilities in America’s children. The TENDR authors agree that widespread exposures to toxic chemicals in our air, water, food, soil, and consumer products can increase the risks for cognitive, behavioral, or social impairment, as well as specific neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Di Renzo et al. 2015; Gore et al. 2015; Lanphear 2015; Council on Environmental Health 2011). This preventable threat results from a failure of our industrial and consumer markets and regulatory systems to protect the developing brain from toxic chemicals.
To lower children’s risks for developing neurodevelopmental disorders, policies and actions are urgently needed to eliminate or significantly reduce exposures to these chemicals.
Further, if we are to protect children, we must overhaul how government agencies and business assess risks to human health from chemical exposures, how chemicals in commerce are regulated, and how scientific evidence informs decision making by government and the private sector.
In another recent article, Health Day reported on the detrimental outcomes of 17 human and 22 animal studies that investigated the links between chemicals, stress, moms-to-be:.
The review found that several toxic chemicals commonly found in the environment had a much greater impact on pregnant women if they had high levels of stress. The researchers measured stress by factors such as socioeconomic levels and years of education.
Dads’, you aren’t off the hook, either, your choices effect baby too.
When You Know Better, You Do Better…I Hope
Our current food and lifestyle choices, exposures, and how we handle our own genetic vulnerabilities and predispositions not only affect our children. They leave an imprint in their genes and impact their children …and so on. It’s the science of epigenetics, and it means that our choices are not just our own!
Furthermore, it’s not just our health that is being effected, but the very world we live in.
Anyone who skims through World Wildlife’s 2014 Living Planet Report or this latest research entitled, “Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and decline,“ will get a glimpse at the enormity of the situation.
Furthermore, a recent study also showed social impacts in poverty and economic distribution related to climate change.
Therefore, our current world environment seems to be begging and beckoning us to make decisions that aren’t solely based on convenience and immediate gratification.
Why I Woke Up and Spoke Up
My colleagues and I feel now, more than ever, it is imperative to spread the word that our actions are effecting the very livability of our planet for our children, and their children, and all future generations.
After years of hearing how my beloved clients’ health has been impacted by choices that they weren’t aware where harmful, and staring into innocent children’s eyes, it is time to spread the news about better options.
For example, a simple choice for a safer bug spray that is not only for your health, but the well-being of our planet.
It represents a safer, healthier option.
More importantly though, it’s meant to show you your options and open the world’s eyes to the fact that companies that care and have values on our world, over the bottom line, do exist!
The Challenge
I firmly believe in due to how it is supporting sustainability and chemical free living.
This is why I put together the challenge for “Cleaning up Your Home and Health in 6 Month.”
I urge you…
No, I’m begging you, for the sake of your health, your children’s’, your children’s children, and our planet, please use your votes wisely.
Please contact me or subscribe to the “Challenge” with the PayPal option to own this 6-month program that includes:
- One challenge a month with specific suggestions for using essential oils and essential oils products to guide you in swapping out the toxic chemicals and replacing them with safe, beneficial options.
- Additional references and resources to help educate you and make wiser choices as your navigating the world.
- Video and audio summaries to guide you along the way.
Disclaimer: This information is applicable ONLY for therapeutic quality essential oils. This information DOES NOT apply to essential oils that have not been tested for purity and standardized constituents. There is no quality control in the United States, and oils labeled as “100% pure” need only to contain 5% of the actual oil. The rest of the bottle can be filled with fillers and sometimes toxic ingredients that can irritate the skin. The studies are not based solely on a specific brand of an essential oil, unless stated. Please read the full study for more information.
This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. (Affiliation link.)
[…] all that you have learned about the hazards of ubiquitous chemicals into action. By opting for simple, cost-effective, and safer personal care and household products, you are promoting your own well-being, and supporting our children, […]