Is Your Thyroid Causing Your Health Symptoms? Why Your Thyroid is Important and Integrative Medicine Resources for Optimizing Thyroid Health

By | November 11th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript* Statistics on Thyroid Disease: Why We Need to Pay Attention Hello dear friends, According to the American Thyroid Association, about 12% of the American population will likely develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime. This translates to more than 20 million Americans experiencing some type of thyroid dysfunction. Unfortunately, about 60% of [...]

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The Hidden, Sneaky Hiding Place of Mold That is Right Under Your Nose: Safely Using Essential Oils Intranasally to Fight Mold Colonization

By | November 4th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript: * Mold: The Stealth Environmental Exposure That is Harming Our Health Hello dear friends, As environmental medicine gets more attention, people are gaining more appreciation for the fact that what we eat, drink, apply to our bodies, and are exposed to can profoundly impact our wellness. Unfortunately, our world is full of [...]

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Why Can’t I Focus? Part 2: Five Essential Oils to Boost Focus, Energy, and Cognitive Health

By | October 28th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript*: The Eight Reasons You Can’t Focus Hello dear friends. In our last video, we reviewed several reasons why it can be difficult to focus and how essential oils can boost brain power. Specifically, I discussed eight main ways our attention gets hijacked. Then, I highlighted how nature’s aromatics can help in addressing the [...]

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Why Can’t I Focus!? Part 1: Eight Reasons Your Attention Gets Hijacked and How to Improve Cognition with Essential Oils

By | October 21st, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript *: Three Reasons Why We Need to Pay Attention to Brain Health Hello dear friends. I’ve been focusing a lot on brain and mental health in my clinical tips. This is for three main reasons: We are in the midst of a mental health crisis, and psychiatric diagnoses are increasing in our [...]

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Integrative Medicine Resources for Mental Health, Emotional Balance, and Back-to-School Stress

By | October 14th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript* Hello dear friends, As many of you are aware, our children are increasingly struggling in our modern world. This time of year, tension is especially high due to the additional demands of back-to-school combined with troubling world events and the impact of technology. With all these burdens, parents, teachers, and kids are [...]

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Keeping It Green Part III: Pure, Clean Water for Cellular Health and Whole-Body Rejuvenation

By | October 7th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript* Hello dear friends! Well, we are at the home stretch of our series on keeping it green by incorporating ways to protect ourselves from the toxic world we live in. The ubiquitous chemicals found in our food, environment, personal care products, and cleaning agents create havoc in the body and have been linked [...]

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Keeping It Green Part II: Non-Toxic and Safer Consumer, Beauty, Personal Care, and Cleaning Products

By | September 30th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript* Hello dear friends. The past few weeks we’ve been prepping for the cold months ahead with strategies to support a strong immune system. First, we covered how nature’s aromatics and her essential oils can be great allies to keep us balanced and defend against infectious agents. Next, we started looking at the often-overlooked [...]

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Keeping It Green Part I: Essential Resources for Protecting Yourself While Living in a Toxic World

By | September 23rd, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript*   Defending Ourselves from Harmful Outdoor and Indoor Exposures Hello dear friends. With the chilly months ahead, it’s vital to keep our immune systems strong and our bodies’ stressors low. For the past few weeks, we have been exploring how nature’s aromatics can support us in staying healthy and resilient in the [...]

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My Four Favorite Essential Oils and Top Supportive Herbs and Supplements to Enhance Your Resiliency and Support Healthy Immune Function During the Fall

By | September 16th, 2024|Articles, Essential Oils, Integrative Medicine Hints, Latest Articles, Mood & Brain, Naturopathic, Naturopathic Medicine|

Transcript: * With the shift of the seasons, I thought it was an optimal time to show appreciation for the various ways that the great outdoors aids our emotional and physical wellness. Last week, I reviewed four ways that aromatics from nature can enhance resiliency for the fall and support healthy immune function. I [...]

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