(Listen to the Full Episode Here.)
On this episode of the Essential Oil Revolution I discuss a very important, controversial topic in aromatherapy. It’s regarding the answer to the question of “Can you be allergic to essential oils?”
The reason this subject is up for heated debate, in my opinion, is due to semantics on three main points. These are:
- IgG responses: There are four different types of allergies classified as hypersensitivity reactions. The most recognized and severe allergic response is mediated by IgE antibodies. As far as I know, there is no research documenting IgE antibodies to essential oils in laboratory reports. Still, among millions of users, there are four case reports of essential oils causing an anaphylactic response. Due to the fact that these are not published in peer-reviewed journals, some experts argue that we don’t have the full history of the cases. Therefore, we can’t rule out with certainty that other factors could have contributed to symptoms.
- Essential oils aren’t proteins: People claim that essential oils in themselves aren’t allergens, as they aren’t proteins. However, they can be involved in an allergic reaction because they can act as a hapten. As a result, they can contribute, though not cause in isolation, an allergic response.
- Synthetic compounds interacting with pure essential oils on the skin: Essential oils can drive substances into our cells due to their lipid solubility. This means that some “allergic responses” to essential oils on the skin could be related to how essential oils interact with irritating chemicals within synthetic beauty products. The response is not from the oil itself. (I’ve seen this in my practice.)
With all of the above considered, I decided to share what I learned when exploring allergies and essential oils in detail. During the show, I highlight:
- the research cited from a few of my previous articles
- several current journal and blog sources
- other experts’ opinions
- what my clinical experience has shown me over the past 16 years that I have used essential oils in my practice, as well as being an essential oils’ wellness consultant for 20+ years
Be sure to tune into the full episode to empower yourself with this essential information. It is important to have a good understanding of this topic so you can get the most out of their essential oils.
Although, essential oils are extremely safe when used properly, there is a chance someone could have an allergic response to an essential oil. Though, this is extremely rare when practicing aromatherapy responsibly. I also want to assure you that I do feel there is way too much fear out there regarding natural products. If you look at the risks associated with pure, natural substances vs. medication errors and drug side effects, it’s minuscule in comparison.
Below is an overview of what I cover during the show:
- Why it’s important to have a balanced perspective of the literature and the information presented from various sources regarding the safety of essential oils
- The comparison between documented safety issues with medication errors and drug side effects vs. natural products
- What is an allergy?
- The four main types of allergies and what two classifications are associated with essential oils
- The terpene factor in relationship to contact dermatitis and how it relates to essential oil quality
- The difference between photosensitization and contact dermatitis (type four hypersensitivity reactions)
- What to do if you have a reaction to essential oils, based on the Tisserand Institute’s guidelines
- How to avoid skin sensitization reactions
Click here to listen to the full episode.
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My Blogs and Research Reviews on Essential Oils and Allergies:
- Allergic Response to Essential Oils? Part I (NaturalPath)
- Can Someone Have an Allergic Response to Essential Oils and What Would Make One “Allergic” to Begin With? Part II (NaturalPath)
- Essential Oils, Allergic Responses, and Skin Sensitization – Why and What You Should Know (Saratoga.com)
- Essential Oils, Allergic Responses, and Skin Sensitization – Why and What You Should Know Part 2
Additional Resources:
- Irritation and allergic reactions (The Tisserand Institute)
- Digging Deeper into the Concept of Phototoxicity with Essential Oils
- Contact Dermatitis to Essential Oils (Current Dermatology Reports)
- Essential Oil Diffusers and Asthma (AAAI)
- What You Need to Know About Allergic Reaction to Essential Oils (Healthline)
- What to Do If You Have an Adverse Reaction to Essential Oils (The Tisserand Institute)
Links to Learn More About My Offerings and Education on Essential Oils:
Disclaimer: This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. (Affiliation link.)
This information is applicable ONLY for therapeutic quality essential oils. This information DOES NOT apply to essential oils that have not been tested for purity and standardized constituents. There is no quality control in the United States, and oils labeled as “100% pure” need only to contain 5% of the actual oil. The rest of the bottle can be filled with fillers and sometimes toxic ingredients that can irritate the skin. The studies are not based solely on a specific brand of an essential oil, unless stated. Please read the full study for more information.
Thanks Pixabay and Canva.