After a long, cold winter, you can rest your weary bodies with some brain stimulation found in March 2017’s Top Holistic and Integrative Health Reads






For New York State and most of New England, the the old adage regarding the emergence of springtime was evident this year.

March did, in fact, come in like a lion!

To the dismay of many, its fierceness continued throughout the month with extreme snow fall. Thankfully, by now, most of us have dug ourselves out and are encouraged by the forecast to get April showers later this week. This weather prediction may be good sign that we can hope to enjoy our beautiful May flowers.

While I am not able to find convincing evidence to prove the truth of these aphorisms, there is some scientific soothing I can provide as spring blossoms emerge. For those who wish to unwind from the brutal outdoor conditions with some good reading, below are two resources to choose from:

1. This short summary recap of my favorite articles highlighted from this month’s reading list. It will provide you with some of the brain benefits you had from all the mandatory snow-shoveling HIT (high-intensity interval training) as you rest your weary bones. You can then further restore your body as you boost brain connectivity by following this learning exercise with a good novel.

2. My full list of article links found here. Throughout every month, I keep an open Word document with fascinating article links that I want to share with others. This month, the snow gave me some extra leisure time to cross reference and get nerdy.

This option is multifaceted and can be used as (a) a short burst to the brain by skimming down the link headlines or (b) an endurance task for those who want to dive into the details and research more into their favorite topics.


Here’s to a little respite to recoup for our upcoming springtime gardening and other activities.

Just look at this lil’ guy…







Thanks for the images Pixabay.